Collection Filters in Ruby

There should be a filter object, and it should be placed between the user and the filtered object. Imagine you are modeling a person using a pair of glasses...

Collection Filters in Ruby

Note: acknowledgements (and thanks!) to Máximo Prieto (our OOP guru) who had this idea and he implemented it on Smalltalk.

The problem

We want to have a collection that filters its elements as we add them using a given condition. For instance, we can have an Array that only allows even numbers.

First, and important, is to understand what a filter is. "filter" is a very overloaded word, and sometimes used in a technical way. Let's say that a filter is someone with the single responsibility of deciding if something has to pass over or not.

First approach

The first, and more intuitive approach, is to subclass Array and override << and any other "adding" methods if needed. Something like this:

class FilteredArray < Array
  def self.filter_with(condition)

  def initialize(condition)
    @condition = condition

  def <<(element)

Which problems does it have?

  • It is specific to Arrays. if we want to filter other kind of collections, we need to create specific subclasses for each of them. We can move a step forward and try to define a Filterable module or something similar, but we will need to touch collection classes anyway. So we will avoid mixins.

  • It uses an if. Remember, #RealDevsDontUseIf (it's in our T-shirts, we take this seriously). We are losing a concept here if we limit the solution to just put an if, just because it looks simpler.

  • The filter is not reified. We just hacked something into Array. We still do not know what a filter is.

The idea

There should be a filter object, and it should be placed between the user and the filtered object. Imagine you are modeling a person using a pair of glasses. Does the eyes tell the glass what/how to filter? No, glasses do!. So why a collection need to decide whether to filter or not? is it in its essence?

Light goes first to the glasses, then glasses "decide" which light pass to the eyes. In a similar way, a "collection filter" decide which objects passes and which don't.

Implementing collection filters

The two main responsibilities of a collection filter are:

  • Intercept the "adding" messages, to evaluate the given condition and decide what to do based on the result.
  • Delegate any other messages to the collection.

This collection filter should act as an "invisible proxy", so the user does not know if they are using a filter or a collection. It should be a polymorphic object respect to collections. To implement it, I subclassed my proxy object from BasicObject. Maybe there is a better solution, but it solved my concrete problem here. It's not the purpose of this post discussing proxy implementations.

Introducing the proxy object, and the definition of <<, we end up with this code:

class UndefinedCollectionFilter < BasicObject
  def initialize(collection, condition)
    @collection = collection
    @condition = condition

  def <<(an_object)

  def respond_to?(selector, include_private=false)
    @collection.respond_to?(selector, include_private)


  def method_missing(selector, *args, &block)
    @collection.send(selector, *args, &block)

Are we done? Can we go home? No! we still have the if. How can we eliminate it? Well, we have 3 different filtering decisions, so we should have 3 objects representing each one. Let me introduce you those objects:

  • Undefined filter: it is the "passive" filter, the object that is waiting for an object to come. As it does not know if should behave as open or closed, we call it undefined. It's the object that we will pass to the user and it will act as an invisible proxy.
  • Open filter: it is the object that should let the object pass.
  • Closed filter: in opposition to the open filter, this object should not let the object pass.

After implementing the filters, and the logic to decide which filter to use in each case, the code resulted in:

# collection_filter/undefined.rb
module CollectionFilter
  class Undefined < BasicObject
    def self.filter_with(collection, block)
      new(collection, block)

    def initialize(collection, block)
      @collection = collection
      @condition = block

    def <<(object)
      filter_for(object).add(object, @collection)

    def respond_to?(selector, include_private=false)
      @collection.respond_to?(selector, include_private)


    def filter_for(object)
      filters_provider.find_filter(object, @condition)

    def filters_provider

    def method_missing(selector, *args, &block)
      @collection.send(selector, *args, &block)

# collection_filter/base.rb
require 'error_handling_protocol'

module CollectionFilter
  class Base
    def self.find_filter(object, block)
      filter_implementation_for(object, block).new

    def self.filter_implementation_for(object, block)
      filter_implementations.detect { |each| each.can_filter?(object, block) }

    def self.filter_implementations
      [CollectionFilter::Open, CollectionFilter::Closed]

    def self.can_filter?(object, block)

# collection_filter/closed.rb
module CollectionFilter
  class Closed < Base
    def self.can_filter?(object, block)

    def add(object, collection)
      # nothing to do

# collection_filter/open.rb
module CollectionFilter
  class Open < Base
    def self.can_filter?(object, block)

    def add(object, collection)
      collection << object

Look at the detect usage to find the filter, and the if was just gone. The collection triggered the decision, not us. That's good.

How can we use it? Let's take a look at some simple tests, as well as the Array extension to build the filtered collection easier:

# undefined_collection_filter_test.rb
class UndefinedCollectionFilterTest < Minitest::Test
  def test_it_does_not_add_an_element_that_should_be_filtered
    array = array_filtering_even_numbers

    array << 3

    assert array.empty?

  def test_it_adds_an_element_that_should_not_be_filtered
    array = array_filtering_even_numbers

    array << 12

    assert array.size == 1
    assert array.include?(12)

  def array_filtering_even_numbers
    condition = ->(element) { element.even? }

# array.rb
class Array
  def self.filter_with(block)
    CollectionFilter::Undefined.filter_with(new, block)

Wrapping up

  • This solution can be criticized because it has several classes, and it could be implemented in much less lines of code. But, are the responsibilities in other potential smaller solutions well splitted? Are filters part of the domain model of those solutions?

  • Which object do we need to touch for modifying the behavior when the filter does not let you pass? Well, one single object with that specific responsibility.

  • It's good to evaluate an implementation not seeing only how easy it is, or how many lines of code it has, but also validating all the responsibilities belong to the proper objects and how easy it is to be extended in the future.

  • To me, filters are relevant concepts, that is worth to have as separate objects. These relevant concepts (and hidden most of the time) make a difference and they are a sign of mature, well modeled systems.

  • There's more coming! how we can use this filter with other kind of objects? is there more filtering options rather than open/closed? these are some of the questions I'll try to answer in my next post.

  • You can take a look at the full code at the collection_filter repo.