Fluent assertions in Elixir
Fluent assertions provide a live documentation of what the code actually does. Here's a small library I wrote in Elixir to make them.
Good tests have a double purpose. The first one is to verify the code behaves as expected. The other one, not so obvious, is to provide a live documentation of what the code actually does.
Fluent assertions is a small step towards this second goal. We can help other programmers to understand the model faster, by writing tests with a language which is closer to the business.
ExMatchers is a small library I wrote in Elixir, which allows programmers to replace assertions such as:
test "map includes key with value" do
map = %{:a => 1, 2 => :b, 'one' => 'two'}
assert map[:a] == 1
test "map includes key with value" do
map = %{:a => 1, 2 => :b, 'one' => 'two'}
expect map, to: include(:a),
with: 1
Writing your own matchers
More exciting than the built-in matchers provided with the library is to write your own matchers specific to your domain model.
For example a billing system which generates invoices might have some tests such as:
test "invoice includes products" do
invoice = BillingSystem.generate_invoice(client, products)
expect invoice, to: include_product(iphone8),
with: Money.new(699.0, :USD)
test "invoice with promo code has a 10% discount" do
invoice = BillingSystem.generate_invoice(client, products, promo_code)
expect invoice, to: have_discount(10.0)