The Importance of a Good Work Environment

What makes a good working environment? How we can detect it? What can companies and employees do? Luciana answers all these questions!

The Importance of a Good Work Environment

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"Do I wake up eager to go to work?"
"Do I feel comfortable with my colleagues?"
"Do I feel watched/controlled in my daily tasks?"
"Does my workday feel longer and more 'burdensome' than it is?"
"Do I feel like my opinion matters?"

If you've ever asked yourself these questions or felt something similar, it might be because the environment in which you carry out your daily tasks is not ideal.

A bit of context: what is workplace climate?

Workplace climate refers to the physical and human environment where a particular activity or job is performed. Three main factors that determine the work environment:

  • Interpersonal relationships with colleagues.
  • Organizational or corporate culture.
  • The available space for personal development.

Why is it important to work in a pleasant environment?

Work is probably the place where we spend most of our day, and it is our colleagues with whom we share that time. We may spend more time with them than with our families, so it is crucial to have a good relationship to ensure that this time is pleasant and not a source of suffering.

When our work environment becomes tedious, concentrating is difficult, and our productivity declines. If the interpersonal relationships with colleagues are not good, our daily activities become even more challenging.

A motivated person is more productive (a large part of this motivation comes from their leader) and is less likely to resign. So, where do companies with unmotivated employees fail? Likely, one or more of the three points mentioned above are not fulfilled. It is also very common that when an employee does their job well and is efficient, they are often assigned even more tasks because they do them well and quickly. However, this is not perceived as a reward but rather as a "punishment" by the employee since they receive nothing in return for doing the extra work. This, combined with a colleague doing less work for the same pay, is seen as unfair and can also lead to conflicts between the two partners.

What do the numbers say?

According to a survey conducted in 2019 by the job portal Bumeran, 54% of people in dependent employment reported not feeling comfortable at their workplace. The main reason, with 65%, is the lack of interest they feel in the company they belong to. In the second place, 19% mentioned having conflicts with their colleagues, and 14% stated they had been mistreated by their colleagues or superiors.

Of the total respondents, 86% said they would change to a job with the same conditions but a better work environment and 85% mentioned that the role of superiors is crucial in improving the work environment.

What can companies do to improve?

There are three universal points (with rare exceptions) that are valued by most employees, regardless of the type of work:

  1. Open and Transparent Communication: ensuring that the employee feels their opinion is considered and that they are part of the organization makes them feel valued.
  2. Work-Life Balance: being able to balance work and personal life. When employees can satisfy other needs in their personal lives that are as important as their work, they are more self-confident and therefore more confident with their performance and work.
  3. Recognition of Hard Work: benefits are a great incentive to motivate employees to maintain similar activities in the future, thereby increasing their productivity.

And you, do you take this into account?

When applying for a job, it is important to investigate the work environment, beyond just considering the convenience of the schedule, proximity, and payment. We must think about the environment in which we are offered to work; it is essential for our professional and personal development. Discomfort at work affects most of our day, so it can be affected in its entirety. Perhaps in a first job, this is not what one pays the most attention to, yet I believe it is fundamental.

If you want to know more about the culture at 10Pines and what we do as a company to create a pleasant work environment, we invite you to read our culture section.