Our Quality Policy

(Para leer este post en español, siga este link)

What is quality for 10Pines? As part of the compliance of the ISO 9001:2015 norm we have formalized at 10Pines our quality policy, which is based on three simple but very important aspects that support each other.

10Pines commits to comply with this quality policy as wel as with the regulatory requirements, establishing, implementing, maintaining and continuously improving its Quality Management System, through the following pillars:

  • Technical excellence, reflected in the technology, methodology and results of the projects we develop, supported by the communities that promote them.

  • Sincere and long term relationships with our customers, shown in our commitment to their objectives and the added value brought by the solutions we create.

  • Human quality, based on an open internal management, in equal shares of possibilities and responsibilities among all members and a strong focus on the team’s unity.

Technical excellence

Software quality can only be achieved when the know-how of building software is constantly put into practice and there is a consistent effort for transferring this knowledge within the organization.

We also support the Software Craftsmanship manifest and have an Apprenticeship program that trains developers to ensure they have the required knowledge to deliver quality software.

For 10Pines members, technical excellence can only be achieved within a context of continuous improvement. For this purpose, we rely on developer communities that strive for the same goal, hand in hand with universities (several members are teachers or tutors) and participating in conferences, meetups and related events. Colleague reviews of the accomplished work, together with the quality perceived by our clients from meeting their requirements with a low rate of defects, is what evidences day by day our success in this area.

Sincere and long term relationships with our customers

We aim to have a sincere and long term relationship with our customers, built on the grounds and within the agile development methodology guidelines, where our proven ability to deliver constant results leads to a strategic relationship based on trust and empathy. Collaboration is key for constructing software of the highest possible quality.

Human Quality

Just as we do outwards, we target at building sincere relationships within the company by having a transparent and participative management, inclusive to all members. We implement an open salaries and accounting structure, considering each individual as a person rather than a resource. This is what drives the collaborative work in 10pines, the strongest foundation cornerstone of our quality policy.

(This article from ‘La Nación’ newspaper and our previous post might help to clarify our approach on participative managment)