aws Cómo escribir código Typescript orientado a objetos para AWS Lambda Han pasado un par de meses desde que entré en el mundo de AWS Lambda. Condensé mi pequeña experiencia en este tutorial para todos aquellos que no estén familiarizados con él.
refactoring El arte de las pequeñas mejoras Refactorizar es lindo. Pero la realidad nos presenta restricciones (tiempo, alcance, tecnológicas, políticas). Ahí es donde la creatividad toma importancia y debemos lograr un alto impacto en poco tiempo, mientras hacemos crecer nuestro software.
software development Aplicar principios de la Comunicación no Violenta en el desarrollo de software ¿Escuchaste y/o emitiste alguna vez un juicio negativo sobre el código? ¿Te sentiste abrumado, cansado o exasperado por un Bug, un deadline o una demo? Si alguna vez te encontraste frente a estas situaciones, este post quizás te brinde algunas ideas sobre cómo mejorar tu comunicación y tu bienestar.
best practices Clean Code Cleanups I’ll walk you through different stages of code cleanup, and things to have in mind to make it in an efficient way, based on my experience.
aws Writing Object-Oriented Typescript Code for AWS Lambda It’s been a couple months since I entered the world of AWS Lambda. I condensed my little experience in this tutorial post for all of you not familiar with it.
elixir Fluent assertions in Elixir Fluent assertions provide a live documentation of what the code actually does. Here's a small library I wrote in Elixir to make them.
tdd An Inverted Test Pyramid Are you familiar with the concept of a "Test Pyramid"? I’ve been working on a project suffering from an inverted pyramid, and here I share the downsides that relying solely on end-to-end tests might have.
ruby Rock Your Ruby: The Value of Value Go ahead and ask the developer sitting next to you what is the thing that loves the most about Ruby. It should come as no surprise that simplicity, flexibility and expressiveness are the main reasons Ruby junkies just can't get enough of it.
object design Language’s type system and their impact in breaking dependencies One of the things that makes TDD difficult to apply on existing code (or just “legacy code”) is the dependencies that the object subject to test may have. The more “dependencies” the object has, the more difficult it will be to test it, almost for sure. What makes things even
object design About inheritance as means of reuse When talking about Smalltalk, there is definitively an over use on the possibility to add messages to Object class. It is so easy to do it, that people usually do it just to get something working fast, even if the coding is poor. There are a lot of messages (mainly